
Why Breastfeeding is Important for Newborns: Benefits for Mom and Baby

Breastfeeding is one important way of caring for a newborn because it offers unique health benefits to both baby and mother. Renowned gynecologist Dr Gayatri Kar Soni from South Delhi emphasizes the significance and numerous benefits that it CONFERS to a MYRIAD woman out there.

World Breastfeeding Week is held in the first week of August every year. The theme for 2024 is Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding Support for All.

This support includes:

Policies and attitudes that value women and breastfeeding

A women and breastfeeding-friendly health care system

Respect for women’s autonomy and their right to breastfeed anytime, anywhere

Solidarity and community support

Benefits for the Baby

Optimal Nutrition: Breast milk provides perfect nutrition for infants. It has all the essential vitamins, proteins, and fats your baby needs to grow properly. The composition of breast milk adapts to her needs at each point, unlike formula milk.

Immune Support: Probiotics and Colostrum help support the Immune System: Colostrum, the first milk produced after birth by the mother contains plenty of antibodies and Immunoglobins which help protect newborns from gut infections & diseases. It is of utmost importance in the first months and years when the immune system of a baby still develops.

Digestive Health: Breast milk is easy to digest on your infant’s gut compared with formula Milk. . It reduces the risk of gastrointestinal issues, such as diarrhea and constipation, and promotes the growth of healthy gut bacteria.

Lower Risk of Chronic Conditions: There is less of a risk for chronic conditions (like asthma, allergies, obesity, and type 1 diabetes) and a lower chance of developing later in life. Breast Milk Contains Protective Factors That Provide Lasting Health Benefits

Enhanced Cognitive Development: Studies have proved that breastfed babies tend to score higher IQ scores and their brain health is comparatively better than babies who do not. DHA and other fatty acids present in breast milk are necessary for brain development.

Benefits for the Mother

Bonding and Intimacy: Breastfeeding helps to establish an emotional bond between the mother, father, and baby. Breastfeeding also promotes maternal bonding as the “love hormone’, oxytocin, is released in higher amounts with frequent use of skin-to-skin contact and physical closeness during breastfeeding (which has added benefits due to promoting this life-saving release).

Quicker Recovery Following Delivery: The hormones released by simply nursing a newborn raise the contractions within your uterus, encouraging it to contract back to an individual’s former proportions after delivery and lessening postpartum bruising. This is enhanced by the release of oxytocin naturally induced during breast-feeding.

Calorie Burning: Breastfeeding Burn More Calories-Losing Pregnancy Weight is a supportive method to naturally manage postnatal weight.

Lower Risk of Certain Cancers: Breastfeeding also has benefits for women; these are that a woman who breastfeeds her child is at a lesser risk of suffering from both breast and ovarian cancer. Lactation is another factor that may lead to hormonal changes that may help in protecting them from such cancers.

Convenience and Cost-Effectiveness: Breast milk is always readily available at the right temperature, compared to the bottles that may take some time to warm up hence, this makes it more convenient for feeding the baby. It also does away with costly formulations, feeding bottles, and sterilization gadgets, which presents considerable savings.

Dr. Gayatri Kar Soni – The Professional And Expert Opinions

Dr. Gayatri Kar Soni, a gynecologist practicing in South Delhi, fully supports the practice of breastfeeding as being an essential part of the mother’s and the baby’s health. She encourages all mothers, especially the new ones, to consult their gynecologist when they encounter any difficulties in the process of breastfeeding. Dr. Soni insists that there are not only apparent physical advantages to breastfeeding, but the baby will also feel the mother’s love, which forms the basis for a healthy interaction in the future.

Thus, it can be stated that breastfeeding is a natural, safe, and financially effective intermediary between the provision of the newborns’ and mothers’ need for proper nutrition and care. In this regard, with the help of such experts as Dr. Gayatri Kar Soni, confidence can be provided to women who are breastfeeding their babies and thus giving a good start in life.

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